Comments to Alice in Suburbia:

opalanne - 2004-07-07 15:40:20
It's great when the kids have their own money and quit nickle and diming you to death, but the absolute best thing about a summer/afterschool job in my opinion is that when they are busy working they are busy staying out of trouble. Sometimes I worry about how many hours my 16 yr old works during the summer, but at least I know that I don't have to worry about what he is doing. ;-)
michelle - 2004-07-07 18:49:52
I remember when I got my first job I was not 18 but I did not get it until I started college, and I have been there for two years, going on 3 in the fall, but I really love it, boy will I miss it when I graduate. The people I work with are the greatest.
Doc - 2004-07-07 19:23:30
Hmm. Well. I put "Haiku" at the top of my netflix queue. Anything that'll improve my sense of humor about my current station in life will be welcome. Glad you're daughter got a job in a store with a lot of cool swag! That Hula Girl is sweet! My first paying job was working for my father stuffing envelopes for $1 an hour when I was 12. (Which was an improvement on being his unpaid pack mule from childhood on up.)
christopher - 2004-07-07 20:36:14
My first job was carting around a tool box for my grandfather who did contracting work. I got to keep any tips we were given during the day which were substantial. I don't miss that job though because you had to be in stranger's houses
christopher - 2004-07-07 20:38:31
My first job was carting around a tool box for my grandfather who did contracting work. I got to keep any tips we were given during the day which were substantial. I don't miss that job though because you had to be in stranger's houses
Saikai - 2004-07-08 11:58:17
Congratulations on your daughter getting a job~! Hopefully it'll be good and something she enjoys.
Kathy - 2004-07-10 04:58:42
Thats really nice that she has started her first job. Mine was also at a type of gift/stationery shop and yes, I must admit, a lot of my money went back in to the business...Hopefully she will be happy and enjoy. And you can enjoy the little benefits too. Have a good weekend. Kathy

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