Comments to Alice in Suburbia:

christopher - 2004-01-22 22:02:45
the teacher was heavy handed? you should meet my, "your project, your responsibility" mother.
Suburban Island - 2004-01-22 22:27:11
No, the teacher was kind enough to give the kid another day to enhance his project with a little paint - which he wanted him to be a little more heavy handed in applying to all those little styrofoam balls!
christopher - 2004-01-22 22:51:57
I, as a teacher, would have been impressed with the hand made project as opposed to the kit and just been happy with it. I'm glad your kid has heavy handed and then gets results. Spelling Words three times each seems to be a pain for my kids most days. Oi is me.
mz. em - 2004-01-22 23:52:11
Ah, what a good mom you are. However, the fact the teacher didn't appreciate the creativeness of your son's project which to me would be more important than purchasing a pre-fab project.
Claire - 2004-01-23 01:07:37
My mom would just have made me get it right by myself. And my dad wouldn't have let me buy the kit even with my own money, being afraid that would "rob me of an educational experience." Oh horror of horrors.
melinda - 2004-01-23 03:25:34
Hm. I think your son should get credit for doing it himself with his own ideas instead of being sent home telling him it wasnt good enough. So what if it wasnt perfect, he showed more creativity by doing it himself.
Suburban Island - 2004-01-23 08:32:40
Well, I guess he didn't have the perfect DNA look down the first time around and the teacher was giving him another shot at it. We just got the kit because we figured it would save time for a second effort. He actually only used those little styrofoam balls out of the kit and came up with his own thing from there. He took it to school this a.m. and it looked darn good.
Claire - 2004-01-23 18:29:46
We had to make a musical instrument..and not the old "dried peas in a cup" instument had to be a violin or a recorder or something challanging for the holidays...I eneded up with a busicit tin, a piece of wood and a string. I failed.

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