Comments to Alice in Suburbia:

christopher - 2003-10-27 21:00:39
HA HA HA. I love the last minute assignment. Teachers can ALWAYS tell who did it the night before. HA HA HA. Oh wait, I have to grade those. Damn.
christopher - 2003-10-27 21:36:24
RE: Your Comment Kipp is the best, she does my banners and her page rocks and rocks hard. I'm famous because of her (and golfwidow)
katie d - 2003-10-27 23:47:35
You *do* know how to tempt a girl to your page, don't you?! :) Thanks so much for the compliment. I've decided to turn the link tables I have into maps and definitely get myself some kind of nifty scroll bar. One question: do you have to scroll at the bottom to see the whole page, or just on the side? I would also like to state I feel ripped off, having never received a nifty handout when *I* got stopped at a sobriety checkpoint. kd
Christopher - 2003-10-28 00:57:14
I already dance around without music. People assume I'm autistic or some kind of mongoloid most of the time. My students asked today if I was autisitc because I can name the states on sight.

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