Comments to Alice in Suburbia:

flyinby - 2003-09-09 16:45:12
the other day i went to pour milk onto my cereal when i noticed that there was chocolate frosting (or something like unto it) caked all around the mouth of the jug. *ewww* apparently my daughter, who is all of 6 years old, got into a hostess cupcake and then proceeded to wash it down with milk, straight from the container! *kak*
Janie - 2003-09-09 17:40:58
If you lived at my house, I would be the guilty party only eating the cookie dough chunks out of the ice cream. *blush*
Christopher - 2003-09-09 17:47:43
As someone who has recently (and belatedly) removed themselves from the abode of their mother, he dishwasher and her ubiquitous domestic tranquility I can assure you, with all that is within me, winning the Household Maintenance War is something that takes a tactical genius. I might go take on Homeland Security, it�s bound to be easier. We should not only dump George W. Bush, but, replace him with his own Mother, or someone else who has marshaled a large household to her will. �George W. Bush would have found Osama Bin Laden had he kept his room clean and not played with those ruffians, Cheney and Rumsfeld,� �He should have finished one war before starting another, stupid boy!� Who ever said that stay at home parents don�t work is a violently retarded fool.
And another thing - 2003-09-09 17:48:41
As for picking what you like out of food and returning it? Oh, that deserves foul language and heavy kicking. Grandma picks the Italian sausage out of left over marinara. She�s going into the home when no one is looking.
Boxx - 2003-09-09 21:35:12
At least you can get your family to put dishes IN the dishwasher! I have resorted to a double sided *post-it* that I flip back and forth (dirty/clean) Since I'm the ONLY one that loads and unloads the dishwasher, I'm accurate with the displayed sign. I have seen my husband read the *dirty* sign and take a glass out of the washer and USE it! Now that is REALLY disgusting. Communication is the key, but are we speaking the same language?
Hilary - 2003-09-10 03:05:05
I miss having a dishwasher....I have become the dishwasher
Heather - 2003-09-10 04:03:45
I guess there are some advantages to not having a dishwasher afterall! At least we know what plates we can use! :)

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