Comments to Alice in Suburbia:

Christopher - 2003-08-25 19:39:14
I'm a teacher and I hate uniforms. They make me sad, but dress codes that inhibit shoes that much are dumb.
Inkdragon - 2003-08-25 21:55:48
I like the idea of school uniforms. I think it lessens peer pressure. The kids have many other opportunities to display their fashion sense.
Tricia - 2003-08-26 02:19:15
I don't mind dress codes but until I just read Christopher's note above, I thought I was the only person in America who didn't like uniforms. But I do have to admit, though, that a uniform this morning would have made your daughters a.m. easier. Or at least the p.m. pick up.
Claire - 2003-08-26 07:54:52
At my Infant/Junior school uniform was black patent shoes, knee lenght white socks (ankle lenght in summer) grey slip dress, white shirt and the school tie, school blazer and a straw boater with a blue ribbon round it (winter was a blue felt hat with a blue ribbon). Senior School was much the same excpet blue skirt (knee lenght) blue shirt and no hat, still had to wear the blazer and knee lenght socks which we rolled down to our ankles in winter. I agree with uniforms makes life so much easier and when you get home and feels like you are no longer at school....but FREEEEEEE. :o)
SillyRed - 2003-08-26 08:35:31
I remember those days where my mom said the same thing- she desperately wanted school uniforms. At least it would have curbed all the clothing related fighting that went on during those critical teen years. I went to a Catholic school for one year that didn't have uniforms (weird, I know!) but we did have a strict dress code.
Trish - 2003-08-26 11:34:20
My daughter wears a uniform at school and I like the fact that we don't have an issue every morning over what she's going to wear. She's slow enough getting dressed as it is!
Boxx - 2003-08-26 14:18:33
I tend to go against anything that is mandatory, However, when given a choice I usually do the right thing. I tend to wear a *uniform* by choice. I find something I really like and I buy 5 of them. One for every day (weekends excluded)
Katie - 2003-08-26 16:54:52
since I am a student I like uniforms but I hate our schools uniforms. They are all itchy and they give me rashes. If our school only had those non scratchy uniforms I would be really happy. Ok well anyways I like your diary it is cool keep up the awesome work ttyl -Katie =P
katie d - 2003-08-31 16:04:08
LOL; oh my god! That picture is great. :) I don't get the strict dresscodes running rampant thru schools these days. Every school I went to had sensible ones: no mini skirts or shorts, no torn up clothing or clothes with strategically placed cuts which showed parts of anatomy better left unshown in the school environment, no clothing advertising drug use, no jewelry advertising drug use (not all that often inforced), nothing with obscene language or drawings, and nothing sexually explicit. Pretty straight-forward, and if you wore something that broke the rules, they sent you home to change. Big deal. kd

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