Comments to Alice in Suburbia:

tali - 2005-06-15 17:09:14
Yea..good luck getting a response from the folks at Diaryland...I've sent several tech reports over the past couple months and an email a couple weeks ago, and haven't heard back from them. Funny, I just realized that the email that used to come from the [email protected] address that was forwarded to my account stopped coming about a month ago...I just logged in and was shocked to find that the spam folder that once held over 3000 messages was down to 300. My mail is no longer forwarding...but at least now I don't have spam. SOrry your comments are being spammed. That sucks. I haven't had that problem using haloscan
chocolate chaos - 2005-06-15 17:24:04
i dont get comment spam, just dland email spam. most of it isnt even addressed to me! i wonder whats up with andrew et al, cause i havent had any response to help questions. i did email him when i gifted a gold membership and asked him a question.. i got a reply for the membership, but no mention of the question i had asked.
Alice - 2005-06-15 18:53:55
I've been terribly frustrated with Andrew's failure to provide ... I want to say "decent", but I really mean "ANY" ... customer service for gold members over, say, the last year. Before that, he really *was* attentive. I have considered moving my diary elsewhere, but diaryland seems to be the one forum my employer has not yet blocked. I have only one more month before it's time to pay again; I'm not sure what I'll ultimately do. Anyway, I found you via a banner ad... impossible to resist another "Alice". ~Alice
Christopias Spritopher - 2005-06-15 22:31:48
Andrew sucks.
radiogurl - 2005-06-16 01:25:00
I'm glad I did NOT renew this time around. Methinks that could explain the sudden glut of spam to my previously spam free email though - it's from Diaryland :(
bettyalready - 2005-06-16 11:00:30
HEY someone else said they had to turn off their comments due to massive amounts of SPAM. THAT is irritating!
diane - 2005-06-16 12:18:39
Let me know if you get any answers. We're all being spammed, our gold memberships don't mean I sensing mutiny here?
Summer Gale - 2005-06-16 16:06:50
My comments don't get spammed but my diaryland email account does and I agree Andrew sucks. He doesn't respond to squat anymore.
golfwidow - 2005-06-17 07:42:46
Fuzzy-Grey claims Andrew always answers her questions. I don't know what sort of an in she's got with him. Anyway, I never had any luck with him, even when I was a Supergold member.
BOXX - 2005-06-17 10:07:01
I did NOT know about the comments option for Diary Land people only. I changed my setting immediately. Now I just need to block out a large amount of time to delete all the old SPAM comments. (sigh)
katie d - 2005-06-17 20:38:52
:( I am getting a fair amount of comment spamming, though not much to my guestbook or email. It's a pain, especially since the damned "go back to the entry" link doesn't work, so since all the comments being spammed are old entries, it sometimes takes a helluva frigging long time to find which entry the comments belong to...why doesn't that whole comments link thing work better? ::sigh:: I'm sorry you've had to change your comments settings...maybe I should do the same, and if they can't spam any of us for a period of time, they'll go the hell away. :( kd
mz. em - 2005-06-19 22:42:02
I've had lots of spam in my notes' section. I've written to Andrews and forwarded mail. I've not heard a word about this problem.

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