Comments to Alice in Suburbia:

nancy - 2004-07-11 17:43:59
wow that does sound like fun! and im sure its a birthday neither of you will forget...
Joan - 2004-07-11 18:33:26
A marvelously fun day...and proof positive why parenting is meant for the young! (at least young at heart!) You're a great Mom!
Liz - 2004-07-11 21:01:05
Coolest mom ever! Haha :)
Tara - 2004-07-12 08:12:27
What a great way to spend your son's birthday, but I'm much like your husband when it comes to theme parks - I love to go, but NEVER get on anything other than the carousel. I do love to play all the games though and NEVER worry about a diet while I'm there.
Inkdragon - 2004-07-12 10:44:04
Happy Birthday to the young sir!
tali - 2004-07-12 12:26:46
Holy cow..did you ride the one in the picture? I just watched a show on coasters and while I LOVE coasters, especially wooden ones, I wasn't so sure about that one in the picture. The 90 degreeness kinda freaked me out...
Saikai - 2004-07-13 03:30:16
Happy birthday to your son. And wow it sounds great what you and your son did for his birthday. I think anyone would've loved that. And hoorah for rollercoasters!
Tricia - 2004-07-13 14:23:36
What fun! My son and I did that last year and it was a blast. Happy birthday to your son!
elspeth - 2004-07-14 04:41:26
WOOO Happy birthday to your son, ive not been on a rollercoaster for YEARS!!
Leslie Irene - 2004-07-14 13:53:33
Wow. Are you ever brave! Those roller coasters scare the crud out of me. Definately, I am not a coaster person! I rode the one in Santa Cruz when I was younger, and that was enough for me. Cool day for your whole family, though! Love, Leslie
Oliana (aka bettyalready) - 2004-07-14 14:47:58
Dude. Just looking at that rollercoaster makes me want to hurl
oliana - 2004-07-15 20:50:20
funnily enough, your menu is what's in my fridge. Grease helps the nausea
oliana - 2004-07-15 21:22:05
specifically the Gorton's fish cakes

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