Comments to Alice in Suburbia:

Heather - 2004-06-06 10:25:54
Awwwww. As a mom to a young child (who is exhausting me), I really loved your entry today.
christopher - 2004-06-06 10:32:40
Your gravitas and dignity inspire us all
Mary - 2004-06-06 12:45:24
Even not being a mom, I could really appreciate this entry. It gently reminded me to be careful of how I treat my students sometimes, especially at this time of year when they are oh-so-sick of each other, and me. Congratulations on a job well done!
opalanne - 2004-06-06 14:55:11
That entry made me feel so much better - sometimes I get the feeling that I am the only mother in the world that feels that way. I hope both of my boys have selective memories of me when they get older - I'm hoping they remember the best about me and forget the times that I showed the side of myself that I am so embarrassed about five minutes after it appears.
Trish - 2004-06-06 17:31:14
The kids are the ones who get the cards and the cash and the presents and the congratulations. But congratulations to YOU...for loving her, caring for her and not killing her those times you would have liked to ;)
Paula - 2004-06-08 09:30:04
What an amazing and inspiring entry! Your daughter is so blessed to have you for a mom.
Tricia - 2004-06-08 10:29:51
What a great entry. Congrats to both you and your daughter on this huge milestone.
Tara - 2004-06-08 14:17:28
Great entry, one that brought tears to my eyes reading it. About those damn cicadas - I keep telling myself that the next time I see them my 4 year old will be of drinking age and my baby will be graduating high school.

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