Comments to Alice in Suburbia:

Christopher - 2003-09-25 23:23:53
I used to loathe hamburger helper, but alas, anything I don't have clean up or pay for is good food to me.
Wyndspirit - 2003-09-25 23:28:52
Mom took all of our senior pictures except sis Nancy's, which I took when she was visiting me in NH the summer before her senior year. Didn't have a fancy studio logo on them, but looked pretty decent! The cost? One roll of film (double prints, to have a set to carry around for "proofs" for your classmates to choose from) and a bunch of wallets ordered from ElCheapo mail order film developer. I'd say (20+ years ago) the works cost me under $20. Could do it now for under $40. Course you need a good 35mm and somebody who knows how to use it, but...
mz. em - 2003-09-26 00:38:05
Ah, I love the simple life. So far no one has been able to get me to give up any of my clutter. However, I did dump a stack of catalogs last night since they were from last spring. Does that count?
flyinby - 2003-09-26 02:32:25
wow, i actually SAW that show with the guy conned into getting rid of that painting. *sigh* i think it was just plain WRONG! i never watch that show, i can't stand that.
katie d - 2003-09-26 02:42:56
What kind of a soulless *bastard* talks someone into getting rid of the last painting is his mother did as she was dying from cancer??? And what kind of wussy numbnuts goes "Okay."? Sheesh.
Heather - 2003-09-26 05:12:52
Sometimes reading American peoples diaries just totally confuses me! $200 just for a school picture?! Hamburger Helper?! back to school night class-o-rama! I need a US/British culture dictionary!
Inkdragon - 2003-09-26 07:28:23
You are a talented photographer, why not give it a try yourself. If it works, grand. If not, then you'll know. We did the high school open house last night, it's too much fun dragging Hubby around. Gosh, what did other people do with their Thursday must-see tv night? Have a good one.
snarkster - 2003-09-26 13:07:34
You're right; the cost for senior portraits are utterly outrageous
snarkster - 2003-09-26 13:08:23
*is outrageous
rosyg - 2003-09-27 02:23:06
Tonight we decided we had do SOMETHING about the clutter and tried to enlist the help of our 5 year-old by making it a (rigged) contest. The result: the clutter has been rearranged and I'm taking her shopping tomorrow. We are not a shopping family.

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