Comments to Alice in Suburbia:

Tricia - 2003-09-13 00:11:40
Ahhhh, but now I'm very curious as to what's your name?!!
Christopher - 2003-09-13 00:22:31
Her name is, "Spritopias"
Christopher - 2003-09-13 00:42:44
If life were uncomplicated then it would also be very boring and we'd have nothing to write about.
Christopher - 2003-09-13 00:45:17
Hey, cool beans, I got my *very own* suburban strategy! :::bows toward personsal Mecca of Suburban Island:::
katie d - 2003-09-24 02:19:18
Interesting saga of your name. I too like the name Veronica for the very same reason. I always wanted to be named something cool like Veronica. I met one not too long ago. Surprisingly, she was very much like that Archie namesake. She designs clothing and jewelry for Dollz, if you can imagine a more fun job that that.

Dear Alice:

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